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Rank: 4

[XP12 Only] TolissA321 翼动优化+窗户雨模组集成[复制链接]
发表于 2024-11-26 12:07:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
开发商 | Developers: Toliss
软件大小 | Size: 190Mb
更新时间 | Update time: 2023-12-02
兼容平台 | Platform: XPlane12 
飞币售价 | FlyB Price: 3 飞币|FlyB
本帖最后由 西瓜蟹蟹 于 2024-11-26 19:16 编辑

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Thank you for downloading the ToLiss A319 / A320 / A321 Wing Enhancement MOD!

This MOD requires changes in the original files of the ToLiss aircraft you are modding. Please make sure that

you make a backup copy of all the affected files, before you apply any changes on them!

If you messed up with your files, always remember, that the update process via „SkunkCraftsUpdater“ restores

all changed files.

But this also means, you need to reinstall the MOD after every update of the modded ToLiss aircraft.

This MOD is built from three different parts.

1. New Wing Textures for the ToLiss A319 / A320 and A321

2. Installing new Flaps and Flap Track Fairings for the ToLiss A319 and A320

3. Installing Wingflex for the ToLiss A319 / A320 and A321

The steps of installing the MOD will be expained in the following.

Please make sure that you, if installing new Flaps AND wingflex, always install the new flaps first!

Best regards and have fun with the MOD :-)1. New Wing Textures for the ToLiss A319 / A320 and A321

This is a paintkit. You can use the programs Photoshop or Gimp to open the files and create the

liveries you like.

If you finished your work on the livery and created a png-file, you can paste that into the livery

folder of your ToLiss aircraft (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320/A321...\liveries").

The New Wing Textures are also compatible with the other parts of this MOD.

2. Installing new Flaps and Flap Track Fairings for the ToLiss A319 and A320

1. Make a backup copy of the files wingL.obj and wingR.obj inside your Aircraft base folder (X-Plane


2. Open the file "wingL.obj" (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects") with the (Windows)


3. Delete the following lines (The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

THE CORRECT SEQUENCE OF DELETING IS MANDATORY! Because once you delete a line, the line counting of

the following lines changes!

3.1 Line 21406 "TRIS

27801 1992"

3.2 Line 21371 "TRIS

24666 2031"

3.3 Line 21357 "TRIS

9357 1128"

3.4 Line 20994 "TRIS

7647 504"

3.5 Line 20959 "TRIS

29793 1716"

4. Save the "wingL.obj" file.

5. Open the file "wingR.obj" (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects") with the (Windows)

editor.6. Delete the following lines (The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

THE CORRECT SEQUENCE OF DELETING IS MANDATORY! Because once you delete a line, the line counting of

the following lines changes!

6.1 Line 23795 "TRIS

36225 1992"

6.2 Line 23760 "TRIS

38217 1992"

6.3 Line 23681 "TRIS

8232 1128"

6.4 Line 23492 "TRIS

34233 1992"

6.5 Line 23446 "TRIS

7728 504"

7. Save the "wingR.obj" file.

8. Make a backup copy of the A319.acf / A320.acf file inside your Aircraft base folder (X-Plane


9. If you are using NEO engines, copy the object „flaps_new_NEO“ into the folder …\X-Plane


10. If you are using CEO engines, copy the object „flaps_new_CEO“ into the folder …\X-Plane


11. Copy the livery files ("flaps.png", flaps_MAT.png, and flaps_NML.png) you like (Textures_new or

Textures_old) into the folder …\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320\objects.

12. Open „Plane Maker.exe“ in your Xplane 12 base folder.

13. In the Top Menu, select „File“ and choose „Open“ in the drop down menu.

Select the A319.acf / A320.acf file inside your Aircraft base folder (X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320) and

open it.

14. In the Top Menu now select „Standard“ and choose „Objects“ in the drop down menu.

15. Click „Add“ on the left bottom. A new object (no data inserted) will appear.16. Click on the grey square next to the first newly added object („flaps_new_NEO“ or „flaps_new_CEO“) and

select the object „flaps_new_NEO“ or „flaps_new_CEO“ depending on the one you use, found in …\X-Plane

12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320\objects (see following screenshot).

17. Set all values exactly as seen in the screenshot.

18. Safe the changes by clicking „File“ in the Top Menu and selecting „Save“ in the dropdown menu.


19. Additional mandatory actions if you are using the ToLiss A319 or the A320 with CEO engines. You need to

do step 20 if you are using carda engines and step 21 if you are using default CEO engines.

20.1.1 If you are using the CARDA IAE-engine, make a backup copy of and afterwards open the file

„iae_l_engine“ in the folder (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects\V2500") with the

(Windows) editor and delete the following line (The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

20.1.2 Line 56008 „TRIS

140673 1692“

20.1.3 Also, make a backup copy of and afterwards open the file „iae_r_engine“ in the folder (/folder "...X

Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects\V2500") with the (Windows) editor and delete the following line

(The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

20.1.2 Line 56008 „TRIS

137439 1692“

20.2.1 If you are using the CARDA CFM-engine, make a backup copy of and afterwards open the file

„cfm56_l_engine“ in the folder (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects\CFM56") with the

(Windows) editor and delete the following line (The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

20.2.2 Line 64123 „TRIS

154155 1692“

20.2.3 Also, make a backup copy of and afterwards open the file „cfm56_r_engine“ in the folder (/folder "...X

Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects\CFM56") with the (Windows) editor and delete the following line

(The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

20.2.2 Line 64121 „TRIS

154155 1692“21.1 If you are using the default CEO-engine, make a backup copy of and afterwards open the file „engines“ in

the folder (/folder "...X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320...\objects") with the (Windows) editor and delete the

following lines (The line is shown in the bottom of the "editor"-window).

THE CORRECT SEQUENCE OF DELETING IS MANDATORY! Because once you delete a line, the line counting of

the following lines changes!


Line 117830 "TRIS

17934 888"

21.1.2 Line 117816 "TRIS

16152 888"

21.1.3 Line 117697 "TRIS

13932 888"

21.1.4 Line 117685 "TRIS

13044 888"

3. Installing Wingflex for the ToLiss A319 / A320 and A321

3.1. If you are also using the new flaps (for A319 and A320), first install the new flaps, because otherwise the line

numbers change, and the new flaps cannot be installed correctly afterwards.

3.2 Additionally, if you use both MODs use the "flaps_new_NEO.obj" / "flaps_new_CEO.obj", that is in the folder

„Durantula_ToLiss_Wingflex_V1.1“ of this MOD, because the new wingflex is already added to it!

You need to copy and paste this object into the folder …\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320\objects and

replace the existing object if necessary.

3.3. Make a backup copy of the files "wingL.obj/wing321L.obj", "wingR.obj/wing321R.obj", "wings_glass.obj",

"Decals.obj", "lights_outA319/A320/A321.obj", "lights_outA319/A320/A321_XP12.obj" and optionally

„ParticlesA319/A320/A321“ (folder "...\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320/A321...\objects").

3.4. Open the files "wingL.obj/wing321L.obj", "wingR.obj/wing321R.obj", "wings_glass.obj", "Decals.obj",

"lights_outA319/A320/A321.obj", "lights_outA319/A320/A321_XP12.obj" and optionally

„ParticlesA319/A320/A321“ (folder "...\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320/A321...\objects") one after the other

with the (Windows) editor.3.3.1 Search for the word "winglex" inside all the files, one after the other. All "winglex"-Animations

are build the same way. (See below). Just in ParticlesA3XX.obj, the animation is built different [smaller

– just one line beginning with „ANIM_rotate“], but you can still paste the animation like described in

the following [overwrite the one line beginning with „ANIM_rotate“ with the 5 lines beginning with

„ANIM_rotate“ in the file „DATA“)






















3.3.2 All numbers are X´ed, just one number is shown (in this case -6.335 [red marked])

3.3.3 Depending on the shown number the following case is given (Please be aware of the sign [value

positive or negative!]):

Number -6.335 → Case 1

Number 6.335 → Case 2

Number -6.9650002 → Case 3

Number 6.9650002 → Case 4

Number -3.13994 → Case 5

Number 3.13994 → Case 6

3.3.4 Open the file „DATA“ from this MOD (inside the same directory as this manual) with the

(Windows) editor and copy and paste the correct case and overwrite the old „winglex animation“

shown in point 3.3.1. Be aware that you copy the whole case (11 lines) and overwrite the whole old

„winglex animation“ (first and last overwritten lines are marked green, 7 lines). So in total for each case

you have 4 lines more than before.

4. If you did that for all the "winglex", you cannot find this word anymore inside the files, save the files.

5. Open the A319/A320/A321.acf file (folder "...\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ToLissA319/A320/A321...) with the

(windows) editor.

6. Search for the word "wing_damp_rat" inside this file.7. Change the line of "wing_damp_rat" and the following three lines like shown below:

P acf/_wing_damp_rat 1.65

P acf/_wing_frac_fuel 0.500000000

P acf/_wing_frac_mass 0.280000000

P acf/_wing_mid_dihed_per_g 2.1

8. If you increase or decrease the "wing_damp_rat" value, you can increase or decrease wingflex.

9. Save the A319/A320/A321.acf file.

10. Enjoy the MOD and I am really sorry for the long installation process!


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发表于 2024-11-27 13:14:27 | 显示全部楼层
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