发表于 2022-03-20 22:02:17
本帖最后由 Eros男爵 于 2022-03-21 12:37 编辑
8g的显存贴图分辨率就不要超过1024x1024了,这样能兼顾8x抗锯齿和修改cfg后128公里的贴图加载范围,如果你纠结远处地景模糊那就勾上Use high-resolution terrain textures,这样或多消耗几百兆显存
MainThreadScheduler = 0
For each bit flipped in the P3DCoreAffinityMask P3D will create a job scheduler which works within a thread tied to that logical core by thread affinity. Using these values, you can assign P3D's special purpose work loads to different logical cores. Moving the main thread scheduler will also set the main thread affinity which will affectively move P3D's main application loop and simulation work.
Performance Tuning Tip:
You may have other applications or OS work that are defaulted to core 0. For this reason, some users experience a smoother simulation by moving the main thread to another core. In the past this was only possible by removing core 0 from the proces affinity mask, but now it can be done by modifying this entry. If you have more than 6 logical cores, you may want to try changing this to 6