Where should i put voice crack files? 贵是贵,应该可以练练线下,为联飞做准备 同志们,运行一次,就有P2A_200\Settings Folder了 求助,打不开,请问怎么办? Ekk666 发表于 2022-04-27 17:45
Where should i put voice crack files?
安装盘:\IVONA\IVONA 2 Voice\x86 请问IVONA 2 Voice装好就行吗?
需要在Pilot2ATC里做什么操作和设置么? IVONA 2 Voice软件用法,安装后到pilot2atc里设置,如图所示 解压密码 解压密码 支持MSFS2020吗 解压完了没有setupP2A_2620_x64_with_Navigraph_1801.exe这个文件啊。 请问, 安装setupP2A_2620_x64_with_Navigraph_1801.exe 这个文件在哪儿呢? you guys posted that called pilot2atc - Pilot2ATC V2.6.2.2r2 塔台对话软件 doesnot work , please give y flyb back. I using xplane 12 and has been installed sqllocal when starting this app no map show and cound not save any settings and the worse was that it could not quit. and i need to using taskmgr to force shut it down.