水面状况插件 要配合Flywithlua使用
NEW VERSION 1.0.1 RELEASED!!!I noticed that from high altitude it was too much squared so i lowered some lua values to get a more realistic feel.Hope you like and my apologize for this quick update!!!Hi pilots, all we know that the water aspect of xp 11 is not very good, i prefered the xp 10 one, but has gone...so first of all i tryed to change a bit the color and then i focused on the lua tweaking parameters and i reached a good balance i think. So here this new set and let me know if you like and if it works.
Thanks.INSTALLATION:Extract and copy the "Resources" folder into the main x-plane 11 directory and replace when asked.
If you have a previous water lua script, delete it or move it to avoid possible conflicts.
Make always a backup of the original files!!!
- X-Plane 11
- Flywithlua***Tested on xp version 11.20
沙发 好人一枚!!!
谢谢楼主提供资源!!!!! 电脑配置太差,实在带不动了,同样感谢 为什么提取码错误 感谢楼主分享。感觉会很吃帧数