【持续更新】ZIBO738X 4.0 XP11RC4.6 XP12 RC4.8
本帖最后由 wlq2260152 于 2023-10-10 07:57 编辑搬运而已
B738X XP12 4.00 rc4.8:
fixed bugs (Takeoff mode, activate descent mode, activate go-around mode, VNAV cruise climb/descent command speed, calculated T/C...)
Additional Information
Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight BT下载不了XP11的机模,有别的百度盘下载么? 感谢楼主发布资源。 :handshake 这个是大佬 本帖最后由 wlq2260152 于 2023-06-25 06:27 编辑
dzp200 发表于 2023-06-24 13:28
已更新百度网盘 这是和谐的吗?
这个是大佬,感谢分享 为什么配平轮一直在转停不下来呢 这个导航数据更新到了2306,怎么FMC航线还是有些航点输不进去呀,是这个zibo的插件机需要用别的导航数据吗,我装的是默认的导航数据,FMC也显示是最新的2306了 咋这么多东西?