安装方法如下: 1. 解压压缩包内容 | Un-Zip 2. 将整体FLAi文件夹放到任意文件夹(推荐P3Dv5 Addons) | Put Extracted "FLAi" Folder under any directory("P3Dv5 Addons" is recommened) 3. 打开文件浏览器定位到 %AppData%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5 文件夹 | Locate your "%AppData%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5" Folder 4. 编辑add-ons.cfg文件 | Edit "add-ons.cfg" 5. 最下方加入以下内容 (x跟随上面的编号,例如上面一行是[Package.10],第一行则是[Package.11] | Add this to the bottom of the file (x is followed by the number above, for example the last package is named [Package.10] then this first line should be [Package.11]
PATH=D:\P3Dv5 Addons\FLAI
6. 将PATH=后面的目录修改为你第二部解压出来的文件夹目录 | Edit the "PATH=" line followed by the directory that you copied the folder in STEP 2 7. 运行Prepar3D并检查Options - Add-ons内的FLAi插件是否被启用, 如果没找到,请检查步骤1-6是否正确 | Run Prepar3D and check if "FLAi" is enabled in "Options - Add-ons" If not, Check Step 1 to 6 8. 运行vPilot客户端 | Run vPilot 9. 打开Settings - Model Matching (P3Dv5) - Custom Rules | Go to "Settings - Model Matching (P3Dv5) - Custom Rules" 10. 点击Add Custom Rule Set(s)... 11. 选择FLAi文件夹内的CustomModelMatch.vmr | Select "CustomModelMatch.vmr" in the FLAi folder you extracted in step2